The link to Win Red still links to AZ incumbent David Schweikert who objected to certifying the PA 2020 election results. And the NRSC is funding all sorts of election deniers - including Blake Masters here in AZ. Am not informed on other states. Please don’t direct donations to election deniers with the patina of not being election deniers.

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I know. As per a previous post, there are difficulties with the WinRed portal at the moment. Working on it. Thanks.

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Sorry - I misunderstood your comment last week - thought it meant is was fixed.Don;t mean to be a pest. Cheers.

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It's great that you flagged it. It should be fixed now. Thank you again.

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i made a donation/paid for a subscription about six weeks ago. when i made the donation it seemed to default to the $70 level. it wasn't clear that that would be the case when i made the donation, so i proceeded with the donation. what i actually wanted to do was make a $400 donation. is the some way to make up the difference?

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Thank you! I believe you can change it by following these instructions https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044105731-How-do-I-change-my-subscription-plan-

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