Well, we got a good return on investment for your advice earlier this year that the Wisconsin Supreme Court election was this year's most important race. I hope the few dollars I sent to the Dem candidate helped put her over the top.

But now we have the cliff hanger in the State Senate race, which could give the R's a super-majority. With it, says the R candidate, if he wins he would consider an attempt to impeach the new Supreme Court justice before she has heard a single case!

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Nathaniel Rakich at FiveThirtyEight says that if Protasiewicz were removed by such a process, Governor Tony Evers (D) would appoint an interim replacement, with a special election to be held in 2024. Seems like not that much would change. https://twitter.com/baseballot/status/1643446619663204352

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Comforting! On that scenario, seems likely Knodl will not put himself through the damage of initiating such a futile process.

And, since the Lieutenant Governor is also a Democrat, Knodl launching his threatened effort to impeach Evers is also probably just bluster?

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